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MSN Chat mit Shakira


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So, ich mach dazu nochmal einen eigenen Thread auf, damit es in dem anderen nicht untergeht.



findet ihr nochmal alle wichtigen Sachen zu dem Chat, also genauer Zeitpunkt und wie man teilnehmen kann.

Ich weiß auch, dass bei den meisten eine Seite auf deutsch angezeigt wird (war bei mir auch so), die besagt, dass MSN Chat abgeschafft wurde. Um das zu umgehen klickt ihr oben in der Leiste auf Land und wählt dann English (United States) aus. Am Besten noch ganz unten als feste Einstellung verwenden und abspeichern.

An der Stelle nochmal Dank an Güven für den Link. :knee:

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Hab das Thema mal verschoben :P

Zu schade, dass ich morgen Nacht sicher schlafen werden :coffee:

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weiß jemand wie sowas abläuft? da schreiben dann doch 1000 leute gleichzeitig ihre fragen, und shakis antworten gehen wahrscheinlich vor lauter neuen postings unter, oder? :suspicious:

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Bin mir sicher, dass es ein moderierter Chat ist, also wo nur bestimmte Fragen zugelassen werden.

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bei mir klappt das mit der seite nciht mal.. super

Ging bei mir erst auch nicht. Stell das mal um, schließ das fenster und klick nochmal den Link, dann gehts.

Hab mal den Thread im Rules rausgesucht von dem anderen MSN Chat der im März 2004 war:


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Hab das Thema mal verschoben  :P

Zu schade, dass ich morgen Nacht sicher schlafen werden  :coffee:

D'Oh... hab ich doch glatt in das falsche Forum gepostet. Gomen nasai. :wall:

Wie es nun genau ablaufen wird, weiß ich leider auch nicht, kann ja auch sein, dass man zum Fragen anstehen muss. :D

bei mir klappt das mit der seite nciht mal.. super

Auch die Anleitung zu Ende gelesen? Oder will es gar nichts öffnen? Edited by Toegi

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@Nadine: Ja, das war letztes Jahr so. Wenn ich mich recht erinnere wurden etwa 10 Fragen (bez. L&OTR) ausgewählt, Güven war einer der Glücklichen :)

@Toegi: Ne, nicht der zuerst in den Chat Raum kommt, kommt als erster dran. Ich denke die besten Fragen werden ausgesucht.

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Kann mir einer mal genau sagen, wann der Chat unserer Zeit morgen nacht ist? Rall das mit der Zeit doch immer net... :help:

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Ja, das war letztes Jahr auch so. Wenn ich mich recht erinnere wurden etwa 10 Fragen (bez. L&OTR) ausgewählt, Güven war einer der Glücklichen :)

10 Fragen??? Das ist doch gar nichts... :egal:


Das dürfte dem 8.6.2005, 01:00 in der Frühe entsprechen. :)

Edited by Toegi

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Ja und jetzt stell dir mal vor, da waren bestimmt 100 Fans (masslos untertrieben...), die Fragen stellen wollten. Die Frechheit war auch noch, dass zig Fans aus dem Chat flogen, als es losging. Da wartet man nen ganzen Nachmittag und dann passiert so was...war schon ziemlich deprimierend :lmao: :aha:

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Kann mir einer mal genau sagen, wann der Chat unserer Zeit morgen nacht ist? Rall das mit der Zeit doch immer net...

2 uhr morgens, oder? es steht doch unten wie viel stunden es noch sind...

und das mit den ausgesuchten fragen ist ja nicht so toll... so intelligente fragen fallen mir bestimmt nicht ein... :cry:

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Das dürfte dem 8.6.2005, 01:00 in der Frühe entsprechen. :)

hmm... ein Uhr nachts würde ich vielleicht sogar überleben :D Da ich aber ohnehin keine MSN Addy habe, keine brauche und keine will... schlaf ich dann doch lieber seelenruhig in meinem warmen Bettchen :D

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Kann mir einer mal genau sagen, wann der Chat unserer Zeit morgen nacht ist? Rall das mit der Zeit doch immer net...

2 uhr morgens, oder? es steht doch unten wie viel stunden es noch sind...

und das mit den ausgesuchten fragen ist ja nicht so toll... so intelligente fragen fallen mir bestimmt nicht ein... :cry:

*zeigt nochmal auf seinen post weiter oben* :moral:

Es geht 01:00 los... in genau 1 Tag, 5 Stunden und 26 Minuten.

wo muss ich mich da denn anmelden?muss ich mir bei msn detuschland den messenger runterladen?ich hab am mittwoch nämlich sowieso frei..

Du musst unten schonmal auf den Button klicken, um den Chat zu betreten, wenn du noch nicht bei MSN Chat angemeldet bist. Edited by Toegi

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Den Messenger braucht man nicht, aber man braucht einen MSN-Account glaube ich, so genau erinnere ich mich nicht mehr. Das sehe ich dann morgen nacht. :)

Der Ablauf wurde schon erwähnt:

Man schickt die Fragen an den Moderator/die Moderatorin... dann werden die besten/passendsten ausgewählt und im Chat-Fenster gestellt. Und Shakira oder wer auch immer antwortet dann darauf.

Zudem gibt es noch einen unmoderierten Chat-Room, wo dann alle Fans wild durcheinander reden. ;)

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So spät? Beziehungsweise früh :eek2: Da muss ich doch schlafen, damit ich die Spanischarbeit Mittwoch nit verhaue... Obwohl Shak 'ne super Vorbereitung darauf wäre... :D Ach man! Naja, was solls

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Wie erwartet nur "hochintelligente" Fragen und vorhersehbare Antworten.

¤Coralie¤4 in Onstage_1 asks: Hola Shakira ! Happy to see you !!! I'm Coralie, 15 years old, from france . My question is : what is your favourite song in  Fijacion Oral?

Shakira_Live says: That's a difficult question to start with. I can't be objective right now, I love all the songs, even though I wrote them they are so new to me. They are all very fresh in my mind and heart and as time goes by I'm sure I'll have favorites but for now I

Shakira_Live says: love them all. Each and every one of them.

Rabih_972 in Onstage_1 asks: At the last seconds of the wonderful song "en tus pupilas", you whisper something in French (NB: you have a very beautiful accent). Can you tell us what you say exactly?

Shakira_Live says: Thank you. "When you take me into your arms, when I look into your eyes, I see that God still exists. It's not so hard to believe."

Shakira_Live says: Thank for saying I have a beautiful accent, that's very nice. I tried as hard as I could to sound French. French is a beautiful language. This song is reminscent of the late 70's and the French new wave era. It was inspired by Serge Gainsbourg, Francois

Shakira_Live says: Hardy, among others.

pinkzeplime in Onstage_1 asks: I pre-ordered your Cd and I loved it! What Do you plan on Naming your next Tour? The last one was Tour Of The Mongoose. -U.S. CALIFORNIA

Shakira_Live says: I haven't come up with a title yet for the next tour. Right now I'm just in stage one, where I'm just presenting my new album to fans. I am putting together a world tour and I'm sure I will come up with some kind of name. (laughs) But so far I haven't.

diana_did in Onstage_1 asks: You told you wrote almost 60 songs, then you selected 20 for you 2 albums. So, what about the other 40 songs? Are you going to release them, maybe in some singles cd or in some special edition of your albums? diana from Italy

Bojan4Shaki in Onstage_1 asks: I'm from Serbia and Montenegro, What will happen with 40 songs you have not use for album?

Shakira_Live says: Cioa Diana! These songs will remain in the drawer until I decide to bring them back to life but I can't really say when that will happen or if it will happen at all. We all change and maybe in the future I won't feel I can identify with the songs in the

Shakira_Live says: same way I did when I wrote them.

Ieva_13 in Onstage_1 asks: Hallo,I‘m from Lithuania.What was the funniest thing while recording in the studio?

Shakira_Live says: Falling asleep. (laughs) The pictures that musicians take when you are asleep and they are still playing and can't hold yourself together and fall asleep. So there are some funny pictures of me asleep with my mouth open. (laughs)

♪◄♥SøFi♥ßåRßêRiNi♥►♪ in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Shaki, I'm Sofi, from Argentina. You worked with Cerati and it was very important for you. What did you feel when you were in front of him!? A lot of kisses!

Shakira_Live says: Gustavus Cerati was one of my idols and I'm a great admirer of his work and to share space with him in the recording studio has been one of my most fascinating experiences because I learned from him and he was very nourishing. It is interesting to see

Shakira_Live says: artists that have strong opinions decide on the same thing after sharing time and ideas. This is the first time I have co-produced with a colleague.

cojack910 in Onstage_1 asks: I love you and your music!!! Are you planning on making some more music videos? - Codey, 19, Ms, USA

Shakira_Live says: Yes, very soon. In the end of June I'll be shooting the video for "No." Which will be the second single released for the album.

Shaki_fan1 in Onstage_1 asks: Shaki, how long does it take you to write a song?  - Your adoring fan, Laura, from Canada

Shakira_Live says: I have to say that Canada was one of the most inspiring places for me. I started in Spain and when the cold came I migrated like the birds to Vancouver where I spent the summer and wrote many songs in your country.

Shakira_Live says: Writing isn't predictable. It can happen quickly or over many days or months. It can be born from a simple sentance, idea, or humming a melody until it acquires it's final shape.

Manolis_Varnasactor in Onstage_1 asks: Shakira, I am from Greece and I'd really love to see one of your concerts here someday. My question is if you plan to release a live cd album and a dvd in the near future? You are a great artist.

Shakira_Live says: Thank you so much for saying that. Actually I could say that recently there was a live DVD released no longer than 2 years ago. The tour of the Mongoose experience. So for now we're not thinking of another DVD.

Zurangirl in Onstage_1 asks: Welcome  shakira! it's such a pleasure to have u here. We all love you

DishDiva says: Do you ever get to rewind and relax?

Shakira_Live says: Having time off is almost like having an expensive luxury, an exotic pleasure. Something I don't count on. (laughs) When I do have time off I like to spend it with nature, in my garden, painting, reading.

DishDiva says: Painting? Do you people? landscapes?

Shakira_Live says: I paint concepts. I have a whole collection of fried eggs. I was obsessed with fried egg. I just work around the topic. I like modern pop style and using acrylics. I can't call myself a professional, it's just a hobby.

antho_raptor in Onstage_1 asks: You have been so talented for so long, was there times when you didn't think that a music career wasn't going to work out?

Shakira_Live says: I think I am a contradiction with feet. I have always believed in myself but never sure of anything or ready for anything. Doubting is a healthy state of mind because as an artist that's the time that I can prove myself.

Shakira_Live says: I was afraid for my future, and of my dreams not coming true. Since I remember, I knew I was going to end up making music and writing songs. You can call it destiny, fatality, or premonition or not of the above. (laughs) I have always felt really strongly

ShakiMat in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Shakira! I am called Mathieu, I live in France. Some of your new songs contain French words; is this a way for you of paying homage to all your French-speaking fans and of perhaps bringing a touch of freshness to your songs? Thank you, I like you.

Shakira_Live says: that this was a vocation I had to follow no matter what.

Shakira_Live says: Thank you, I like you too. Yes, it should be considered an homage to my French audience, but also my admiration of the French culture as well. And how inspired I am by French music and artists.

Clarissa43091 in Onstage_1 asks: Where was "La tortura" born from?

Shakira_Live says: It was definitely inspired by Reggaeton which has taken the Latin world by storm. The topic of the song describes a typical relationship between a man and woman where there's betrayal, with paradoxical feelings and emotions. It carries a big load of humor

Shakira_Live says: and sarcasm.

happynandita in Onstage_1 asks: shaki when is esier for you to write a song, when your sad or when your happy and fulll of love? i'm from colombia and i love you

Shakira_Live says: Thank you so much. Yes, sometimes sadness is a very creative state. I think songs sometimes have a therapeutic effect. I remember when I was young, I used to write in the shower. But now my showers are so military and short I don't do that anymore. I

Shakira_Live says: now write on planes, they are appropriate for inspiration. Being in a healthy relationship can also help writing.

deaflyblind in Onstage_1 asks: The documentary in "Live and Off the Record" was a great insight into your world.  Do you feel it is important for your fans to see this side of you, and do you plan to do any more documentaries in the future?  Claire in Scotland

Shakira_Live says: I don't feel I need to be understood by the critics, and no one else but my fans. That's the bridge I want to build, the people that listen to my music I want that relationship to be deep and substantial. That's why I planned on putting together a DVD

Shakira_Live says: that narrated my life on the road so that my fans can get an idea of what it is like for me and what I go through every day as an artist and person in my career.

wu234s in Onstage_1 asks: Throughout your musical evolution, you continue to amaze fans and critics alike with your varied types of music "cocktails." Is there any type of musical sound you would like to explore next?  Eugene Ramirez, Texas

Shakira_Live says: I like to give myself as an artist all the license, flexibility and freedom in any music direction. I don't like to classify myself in any one type of music so that I can go in any direction. On this album I wanted to explore Reggaeton, Bossa Nova, and

Shakira_Live says: Jazz. There are songs that are accoustic and rock as well. I don't know what I'll end up doing in the future in music, but I'm open to all possibilities.

PatofCanada in Onstage_1 asks: Patrick, Canada: What made you happy today?

Shakira_Live says: (laughs) Do you know that I'm having a direct conversation with my fans from all over the world? It's a global planet and we can all communicate through something that connects us all like music. That proves we are more than the countries we live in and

DishDiva says: Thank you, Shakira for stopping by the MSN Live!

Shakira_Live says: the flags we carry. We are all one human race and we share a common sensibility. That makes me happy. That I am chatting with Lithuania, France, Colombia, Italy, and Argentina.

DishDiva says: Pick up "Fijación Oral Volumen 1" today!

Shakira_Live says: Thank you everyone, I'm sure I'll be visiting you in your country. For now a big kiss, and I hope you enjoy this album.

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Nur so als kleine Information am Rande:

Zu der Zeit, wo dieser Chat stattfand, war Shakira im Studio des New Yorker Radiosenders KTU live im Programm.

Das einzige, was ich mir vorstellen kann, ist, daß man ihr die Fragen während der zahlreichen Musik-Unterbrechungen oder vielleicht noch vor dem "Auftritt" gestellt hat und sie auf einige geantwortet hat.

Da aber eigentlich ausnahmslos alle Fragen sehr einfach zu beantworten waren, könnte ich mir auch vorstellen, daß sie vorab schon mal einen Katalog von bestimmten Fragen beantwortet hatte und diese dann im Chat eingesetzt wurden.

Da aber nur sehr einfache Fragen, die keine "Live-Antwort" benötigen, gestellt wurden, kamen die interessanten Fragen nicht vor... wie z.B. die Frage, was sie denn zu dem Release-Chaos sagt.

Alles in allem war dieser Chat noch eine Ecke langweiliger als der letztjährige. Das nächste Mal werde ich mir das ganze vielleicht sogar ganz sparen. :down:

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