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MSN Chat mit Shakira


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der Chat:

DishDiva says: Shakira, welcome to MSN Live!

DishDiva says: It is so great to have you here!

Shakira_Live says: Hi everybody around the world!

Shakira_Live says: Thank you.

DishDiva says: There are fans who have been waiting in the chat room since this weekend!

DishDiva says: Congratulations on the new DVD!

Shakira_Live says: Wow, that's amazing! I've been looking forward to getting in touch with my fans. I know they are wondering what I'm doing and if I'm still alive and the answer is Yes. I've been working. I've been putting together my live DVD and CD that will be out this

Broadcast message from MSN Chat:

NOW IN PROGRESS !!! Chat with Shakira Join the chat now at http://chat.msn.com/chatroom.msnw?rm=onsta...&pgmarket=en-us

Shakira_Live says: Tuesday and secondly, preparing my next album. I've been writing songs and producing them so it takes timae. So for those that have thought I have been crouching in my bed I haven't.(laughs) I've been working.

Ciega_sordomuda08 in Onstage_1 asks: Hola Shakira! I love you and hi from canada. My question, is that I want to know if all your songs (especially si te vas) are first-hand personal experiences?

Shakira_Live says: I can't believe that there's a fan that doesn't speak Spanish and loves those songs, I love that when music transcends the barriers of language. When the music delivers the message and I thank the fans for that.

Shakira_Live says: Most of them portray my personal situations. The feelings I'm experiencing and going through in my life. My albums are very autobiographical and this next album is for sure like a mirror in which I can see my own reflection because it expresses a lot of

Shakira_Live says: my own dilemmas, the things I'm sure about and the things I'm not sure about. This album embraces all of that.

RemixFreakGirl in Onstage_1 asks: Shakira, you said you have 30 songs that you have written for your next album. What will

happen to the songs that don't make the final cut. Do you think you could be releasing them as a B-side? All of your fans would more than love that. Especially me.

Shakira_Live says: I was actually making a list yesterday of the songs I've written in total and there's about 60. I like about 45 of them so it would be very difficult to only choose 15. I don't know what songs won't make it to the album, it depends, I change so much over

Shakira_Live says: the years I don't always continue to identify with songs I've written. Sometimes it's difficult because I've grown in a different direction to sing the same song.

BrisitadelMar1 in Onstage_1 asks: How different are your beliefs and ideas today from how they were 7 years ago?

Shakira_Live says: I'm basically the same in essence. I'm still neurotic and obsessive compulsive perfectionist. I follow my instinct and have been that way since I was 8. Today when I raise my hand to show my music I get more respect than when I was 14 years old in a world

Shakira_Live says: of men. I have the same desire of making my vision a reality but it wasn't that easy back then as it is now.

Güven_and_Gato in Onstage_1 asks: Can you specify now already how the new album is going to look like? Will it be a Spanish-English-double-album? Or rather one album with mixed language? (from Germany)

Shakira_Live says: You know I haven't made that decisions but I have so many songs I would like to do a double album, one in English and one in Spanish. I would love to please both worlds because I know I have fans in the Spanish and English speaking worlds. The good news

Shakira_Live says: is that I have songs to please both worlds. (laughs)

8Thank you! Our guest has received your question and will make every effort to answer it. However, due to the large number of questions submitted, not all questions can be answered.

Camy574 in Onstage_1 asks: Hi shakira! I'm camy of france. this is my question : After ending your first World Tour, do you think you ll have the strength of doing another one after your next album ?

Shakira_Live says: That's a good question because when you finish a tour, especially a tour like my last tour, you feel like you have no energy. You want to lay in bed for a year. I just wanted to isolate myself and recover from the overstimulation that my brain was exposed

Shakira_Live says: to all those months because it's a very physical job to jump up and down for hours every day and take so many planes in a week. I didn't want to know anything about it but when it was over I just wanted to do it again. Now I turn on MTV and I want to be

Shakira_Live says: on there. It's like being in a club and you never want to be kicked out. I'm just focusing on this album and making the best music I can. Then I will focus on another tour because I'll want to be on the road again.

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Biloodu681 in Onstage_1 asks: What did you feel when people ask you to become ambassador for the UNICEF ? it's a honor for you ?

8Thank you! Our guest has received your question and will make every effort to answer it. However, due to the large number of questions submitted, not all questions can be answered.

Shakira_Live says: Absolute honor but it is a big responsibility and huge committment taking a huge part of my engery, intellect, and compassion. I have that compassion to dedicate to children's needs. I am totally happy with this new charge I've been given. I'm ready to

Shakira_Live says: start rolling with the machine and putting all my efforts into it.

4534Orakel in Onstage_1 asks: here from holland its three oclock in the night very late but i wanna ask, where did you wrote and got inspiration for poem to a horse Frank holland

Shakira_Live says: What are you doing up that late? (laughs) It was inspired by someone I know that is close to me. A close friend that was 16, he's older now in his 20's and I was watching how he was wasting his life with weed. He was so into that he was wasting his energy

Shakira_Live says: as a kid. He was abusing himself by the use/abuse of that. I just saw him decaying little by little, his personality. I was a witness to him changing and not being motivated in life. That's one of the effects of marijuana, it causes marijuana syndrome and

Shakira_Live says: it causes them to be non motivated.

ShakiFanático in Onstage_1 asks: Hi Shakira! You're the greatest! I'm from Holland and I was wondering if it was your decision to choose Holland as location for your DVD. And if so, why did you choose this country?

Shakira_Live says: I love Holland and it was easy lagistically speaking to do it there and I knew the crowd would be cooperative and it ended up being the best show on the whole tour. The crowd was excited and that's what we needed on the DVD, to portray the excitement of

DishDiva says: And an unforgettable CD.

Shakira_Live says: the crowd and that's what we obtained. It was an unforgetable night!

DishDiva says: Shakira, I know you need to run. Thank you for joining us tonight on MSN Live!

Shakira_Live says: It was a pleasure to have a chat with my fans. I have missed you and I am looking forward to go on the road again with new music to present to you. I hope you can join me on this new adventure. Big hundreds/thousands of kisses to all of you!

DishDiva says: If you have a comment you would like to get onstage for Shakira, click the submit question button and enter your comment now!

DishDiva says: I'll send these comments over to her

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Scheiss Organisation sag ich da nur.

Die Leute hätten das viel besser arrangieren müssen. Es hatte einen zweiten Chatraum, in dem mind. 30 Fans waren, die nicht weiter wussten. Ich mein, die Hosts haben da so nen Link angegeben, und wenn du auf den geklickt hast, ging das nicht, weil es hiess, dass du schon angemeldet bist. Alles war viel zu kompliziert. :ohno:

Schlussendlich hab ichs dann gecheckt und als ich nach dem "CHAT" wieder in den Raum ging, waren da noch Fans, die zutiefst enttäuscht waren.

Die Wartezeit hätte ich mir auch sparen können. Naja, immerhin weiss ich jetzt, dass ich solche LIVE-Chats nie mehr unterstützen werde ;)

Fazit: Chat mit Shakira an sich nicht schlecht, aber viel zu kurz :sad:

Edited by *La*Poeta*

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na super... hat sich voll gelohnt :egal:

Voll die Kacke, schnegge.

Das mit der Frage, die ich ja stellen wollte warum vom Berlin Konzert drauf waren, hat sich ja erledigt, nachdem ich das Konzert auf der DVD gesehen hab ;)

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weil du ne frage beantwortet bekommen hast... schön und gut... trotzdem war es teilweise blöd gemacht

Natürlich war es recht bescheuert... und zu kurz... und berechtigter Zweifel ist angebracht, ob es überhaupt Shaki war, die da geantwortet hat und nicht irgendein Mitarbeiter. :moral:

Aber trotzdem... :D

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weil du ne frage beantwortet bekommen hast... schön und gut... trotzdem war es teilweise blöd gemacht

Natürlich war es recht bescheuert... und zu kurz... und berechtigter Zweifel ist angebracht, ob es überhaupt Shaki war, die da geantwortet hat und nicht irgendein Mitarbeiter. :moral:

Aber trotzdem... :D

Ich versteh dich Güv! Und freue mich für dich :super:

Ich warte lieber und stelle meine Fragen Shakira dann mal persönlich :kicher: :freak: :baeh: :D

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Hmm ja, ein Foto mit Shaki am Computer wäre vielleicht angebracht gewesen - aber ich denke schon, dass es Shaki war, die Antworten waren schon in der Art, wie Shakira sich ausdrückt.

Natürlich kann man alles faken - abr dann hätten sie doch nicht schon nach 20 min aufhören müssen, oder ? Wenn sie schon irgendeinen Mitarbeiter hinsetzen, dann hätten sie die Zeit ja auch nutzen können - der hat bestimmt nicht so viele Termine wie Shakira.

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Ich fand das ganze auch ein bisschen komisch und so ganz sicher bin ich mir da auch nicht ob das wirklich shakira war! :egal:

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Ich fand das ganze auch ein bisschen komisch und so ganz sicher bin ich mir da auch nicht ob das wirklich shakira war!  :egal:

Bei so einem Starchat bin ich mir erst sicher, dass es wirklich der Star ist, wenn man eine Live Cam sieht! ;)

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;) Ja ,was soll ich da noch sagen? Das ganze war halt einfach zu kurz. Ich hätte es mir aber trotzdem nie verziehen (Diese Fremdsprachen! Ist das so richtig?), nicht dabei gewesen zu sein. So muss ich wenigstens nicht das Gefühl haben, etwas verpasst zu haben. Ok, ich war heute etwas müde und ungeniessbar, aber was soll's? :kicher:

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;) Ja ,was soll ich da noch sagen? Das ganze war halt einfach zu kurz. Ich hätte es mir aber trotzdem nie verziehen (Diese Fremdsprachen! Ist das so richtig?), nicht dabei gewesen zu sein. So muss ich wenigstens nicht das Gefühl haben, etwas verpasst zu haben. Ok, ich war heute etwas müde und ungeniessbar, aber was soll's? :kicher:

Genau! ! Me too! ;)

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Ich warte lieber und stelle meine Fragen Shakira dann mal persönlich  :kicher:  :freak:  :baeh:  :D

:hail: Nimmst Du mich dann bitte mit? ( :super: Natürlich mit Gegenrecht)

haha, ja ich lass ne limousine vor dein Hütte fahren :P :D

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Ich hoffe, dass ich jetzt nicht spamme, aber ich hab mal ne Frage wegen MSN:

ich hab mich da mit hotmail angemeldet, aber wie kann ich dann Leute hinzufügen, die zB. mit einer Adresse @ gmx.de angemeldet sind? :help:

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Wo wir gerade bei dem Thema MSN sind. Also: Meine Schwester hat sich MSN runter geladen, und dann wollte ich fragen, ob ich mich da auch anmelden kann, ohne das der Name von meiner Schwester gelöscht wird. Sie meint das nämlich :thinking:

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