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Shakira Interview From August 2003

August 2003


What do you think about rap music?

I'm not really an expert on rap music. I'm much more familiar with rock and roll. But I feel that it's very powerful. And there has been such an amazing explosion of it around the world. You can go anywhere, and you will hear rap. There's something really powerful about it. And it might be that it gives people the opportunity to say so many things in one song.

What are some of your favorite rock and roll songs?

I would say some of the The Cure songs like Love Cats, or The Forest. I also like Led Zeppelin songs like Communication Breakdown. And I like Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, A Piece Of My Heart by Janis Joplin and Rock The Casbag by The Clash.

So you like to rock out?

Oh yeah, I love it. I'm very much into rock and roll. That's pretty much all I listen to. And when I'm not listening to rock and roll, I'm listening to romantic jazz or folkloric ethnic music, like Cuban, Arabic, or Latin.

What was the first song that really hit you?

I remember that the first tape I had when I was a child, when I was about three or four years old, was Donna Summer's Bad Girls. And I still listen to that sometimes and it really makes me want to dance and celebrate life, and I love that! And then I started discovering that there was something really special about the electric guitar. And you didn't really hear that in Latin music, not in my country so much, not back then. So I started listening to more and more rock and roll and I found there was something about guitar riffs that really spoke to me. And there were songs like Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode, and I would listen to the riff at the beginning and I would feel something so strange and indescribable that got inside me. And I remember telling my mom and she couldn't understand what I was talking about. This was when I was nine or ten years old.

Rock has a much lower frequency than most latin music. So it hits you here in the stomach.

Yeah, exactly, and that's also what the power of rap is too, the lower frequency, the bass and the drums, which are connected to the primary instincts. Because our heartbeats are low and that's connected to the bass and drums. So it's very primal and essential.

What about Latin music?

Well, Hispanic music and Cuban music and Arabic music are also very influenced by African music. Because if you go back in time you see that the first people to create the guitar were the Arabs.

Rock and roll is meant to be about decadence and hedonism. It's about breaking the rules and really letting your hair down - even if it means drugs and all sorts of illegal activities.

I think that's what fascinated me about it. There's something about it that's exciting on the on hand and very sad on the other. I think I'm really curious about that dark side but I'm very far away from that and I know that I will never cross the bridge that separates me from the other shore. But at the same time, I think that my music is part rock and roll, part club oriented and part ethinc.

You really impressed Steven Tyler when you did that Aerosmith tribute on MTV. How was that?

It's funny, because I don't think many Americans have seen me really rocking out on the stage. And that's what I like to do the most. But when people hear my album, which is much more pop oriented, they don't realize that I'm very different when I perform. Because when I play live, the rocker side of me comes out, and I think that's something that's pretty new for Americans. Whenever, Wherever, which was my first single in the United States, has a much more ethnic sound, and it's very much a pop song. And Underneath Your Clothes, which is the second single, is a ballad, with a slight British rock influence in the arrangements. So Americans don't really know the real me. And when they see me perform, like this Aerosmith song, they're like, 'oh my god, you're a rock chick!'

But that's what you want to be, right? A rock goddess?

Not completely. I don't want to be in any single category. Believe me, I've tried to look for a label to put on myself, but I feel it's much more comfortable for me just to be a songwriter, a singer and a musician who has the liberty to do any kind of music whenever I want. I don't want to limit or imprison myself.

Your very first album was much more latin, or at least it contained more folk ballads. And the same goes for your second album. But on the third one you really seemed to change, and you seemed to be playing more rock and roll. What happened?

What happened was that I did it the way I wanted to. That album was suppose to be the last album that I was going to do for that record company. I had a contract with them for three albums, and that one was my last chance. And I knew that if it bombed they were going to drop me. So I said, 'Okay, if this is my last chance here, then let me do it my way.' And they said, 'Okay, you have a budget of $30,000. Go ahead! Do what you want!' And I said, 'Okay, I'll see you guys in six months.' So I went away and I did everything. I participated in the production, designed the album, hired the photographer, everything. Then I showed up six months later, not only with the finished album, but all the artwork and everything else.

How did the music differ?

Well, it was really when I started growing as a songwriter. I really showed my strengths as a composer and a songwriter. And if you look at it now, you can see how it does that. I was already starting to work with electric guitars and stronger sounds. Of course, we didn't have the budget to record real drums, but we did what we could. And I think it's a very nice album and I feel proud of the fact that I was only 17 years old when I did it.

Rock and roll kind of slowed down a little bit in the 1990s because of rap and electronica. Do you think that rock and roll is back?

To me rock and roll, the real rock and roll, is not dead. It's just been taking a nap, and I think it's starting to wake up again. But I think there's so much more to do. And I think there's so much more to rescue from the past, but it's not there right now.

So do you want to be the alarm clock?

No, I couldn't take that responsibility! I don't expect to be the supergirl who can do it all by myself. Because of course I'm just one small piece in the chess game. But I'm sure that there are many more people that are trying to do it. And together we will. I like being in the group, but as I said, I don't want to be exclusive to rock and roll because I also like the freedom that pop gives me. I like experimenting with a lot of different sounds. I'm too curious once I get into the recording studio. And sometimes you need more than rock and roll. Sometimes you need to go beyond it.

What's the most fun that you've ever had in an airplane?

Probably when we travel together with the whole band and we have a private plane. Because then we get to play music and jam in the plane. And that's a lot of fun. We bring out the guitars and some other instruments, and we play all kinds of classic rock songs like the Rolling Stones or whatever.

Quelle: http://www.shakiramedia.com

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Sehr geiles Interview! :love2:

Warum hab ich oder wir noch nix früher davon erfahren? :egal: ;)

Ich habs gestern auch erst gelesen. Auf shakiramedia.com
Komisch, dass das Internet jetzt ein halbes Jahr später das ganze erst veröffentlicht hat. :D Edited by Keith

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hab noch nich alles gelesen aber bisjtzt langwelist mich etwas :D

Also hättest du lieber gelesen, warum sie in WW geschrieben hat "lucky that my breasts are small and humble"? Oder warum sie so "gut bauchtanzen kann"? :egal:

Ich finde das eines der besten Interviews, dass ich je von ihr gelesen habe, weils nicht so oberflächlich ist und der Journalist gezielt Fragen zu ihrer Musik stellt. Ich kann jetzt irgendwie nicht verstehen, was daran langweilig sein soll :ohno: Aber naja, wenn du meinst :P

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Ich finde das eines der besten Interviews, dass ich je von ihr gelesen habe, weils nicht so oberflächlich ist und der Journalist gezielt Fragen zu ihrer Musik stellt.

geb ich dir recht,wenn interessieren diese scheiss immer die selben interviews aus bravo und co!! da steht immer nur der selbe schrott :grrr2:

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finds nich langweilig aber mich interessiert das alles nich so aber ich finde es auch gut das sie nur fragen zur muisk gestellt haben

:stupid: :stupid: :stupid:

WAS interessiert dich dann? :blink:

Dieses Interview sagt doch viel über die richtige Shakira Mebarak aus, wieso soll das uninteressant sein :P ? Ich blick da nicht durch :wall:

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Komisch, dass das Internet jetzt ein halbes Jahr später das ganze erst veröffentlicht hat. :D

Guck mal hier: http://www.shakirarules.de/board/index.php...464&hl=essentia (must registriet sein bei shakirarules, ist in Media sektion)

Post No. 17298, posted on Sep 19 2003, 01:21 PM

I just have read at www.shakirafanz.com about SkairaMar's scans of Marbella Magazine ESSENTIAL (issue #52, August 2003). You can find them here:


And YES, you can save them with keeping right mouse button pressed, left-clicking on the then appearing OK-button and then using the usual context menu.

Thanx to ShakiraMar.

So, eigentlich war das Ding bereits in September 2003 im Internet.

Weiss ich nicht warum shakiramedia.com es nur jetzt publiziert hat und als "neu". :thinking:

EDIT: Und es ist gar nicht die ganze Interview was shakiramedia da publiziert hat.

Edited by Gato Negro

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Komisch, dass das Internet jetzt ein halbes Jahr später das ganze erst veröffentlicht hat. :D

Guck mal hier: http://www.shakirarules.de/board/index.php...464&hl=essentia (must registriet sein bei shakirarules, ist in Media sektion)

Tatsächlich. :eek:

Aber hauptsache ist das wir den Link überhaupt gefunden haben. *g* :D

Und danke an Gato, ich werde jetzt auch mal wieder etwas öfters im shakirarules.de gucken, was ich in letzter Zeit sowieso wieder etwas häufiger mache. :)

Edited by Keith

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