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Shakira besucht Libanon


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Thx@Gato :)

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Shakira Creates a Stir in Her Dad's Native Zahle

Zahle had almost given up on welcoming Shakira at her father's ancestral home, when the multi-million-dollar international pop star surfaced in a convoy in the heart of the city to the dismay of an unprepared Lebanese paparazzi.

Traveling in a three-car motorcade with her parents and a security escort, the 26-year-old Colombian heartthrob arrived in Zahle, disguised as an ordinary tourist, with a pink bandana covering her landmark long curls and black sunglasses concealing her eyes. But the armed security escorts attracted the attention of journalists, who were quick to identify her as she stopped for a quick snack at the Saj café.

Hoping to duck the cameras and journalists, she was whisked away through the streets of Zahleh, but the convoy was unable to lose the pursuers. The cars suddenly stopped and her entourage negotiated a deal, whereby she would step out of the car for a photo session after which they chase would end.

The paparazzi agreed, albeit reluctantly, but kept an eye from a distance as she toured Zahleh's inner neighborhoods then headed to the Bardawni bank for a meal at Casino Arrabi.

From Zahle, Shakira, whose father, William Mubarak, is a second-generation emigrant from Zahle, headed for a quick tour of Baalbek's majestic ruins, where her entourage negotiated another one-picture-only deal with journalists there.




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Thx@Gato ;)

Shakira Teaches Paparazzi New Lessons Every Day

From Beirut to Zahleh to Batroun to the Chouf, Shakira has scored well in either ducking the paparazzi or negotiating deals that allowed her a little privacy with her parents to dig up her roots - or time to examine the prospects of more business.

On Sunday, the multi-million-dollar pop star visited Tannourine, the Batroun village from which her maternal great grandparents immigrated some 150 years ago. Behind shut gates, she spent most of her time in a monastery where an elder of the Shedid-Harb clan was summoned to brief her on the extended family.

The Colombian heartthrob, however, needed another dose of Lebanon, not necessarily related to her family roots. Shakira headed into the Chouf for a tour that included the majestic Mukhtara, Beiteddine Palace, Mir Amin Castle and the Chouf Cedars Reserve.

And she certainly had the best guide anyone could think of: Nora Jumblat, the exquisite wife of MP Walid Jumblat. But will Shakira perform at Beiteddine Festival, the annual event Nora Jumblat heads?

This is a secret the Beiteddine superstar and Colombian pop star are keeping close to their chest, behind the dark-tinted windshields of Nora Jumblat's Range Rover as its swirled on the Chouf mountain roads.




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Hey man sie sieht ja so süß aus!! Also ich find schon das sie irgebdwie ein bisel europäischen Einschlag hat! Aber das liegt sicher an Papa da soll ja laut ihrer Aussage was Italienisches drin gewesen sein! Naja.. :love2:

Aber das Pic find ich krass :help:



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Hey man sie sieht ja so süß aus!! Also ich find schon das sie irgebdwie ein bisel europäischen Einschlag hat! Aber das liegt sicher an Papa da soll ja laut ihrer Aussage was Italienisches drin gewesen sein! Naja.. :love2:

Aber das Pic find ich krass :help:

Ihre Mutter soll ein bisschen italienisches Blut haben, was mich natürlich sehr freut weil ich auch aus Italien komme. ;)

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Ja also da hast glaub ich recht! Obwohl leben wir net alle manchmal in einer Traumwelt?! ;)

Die einen öfters als die anderen. :P


Shakira In Lebanon For Inheritance Case

Qassem Hamadeh Al-Hayat 2003/06/16

Zahleh (Lebanon)

Jean Baaklini, a 70 year-old man from Zahleh, has long awaited the visit of Shakira, the international star of Lebanese origin. For the past two nights, he has not slept, not because he was excited to meet Shakira, who managed to escape from the grip of journalists and reached Zahleh Saturday noon without prior notice, but because of the legal threats that Shakira's family made from Columbia to Zahleh. While Shakira was visiting the Lady of the House in Zahleh, her parents were in the city’s municipal building uncovering the rest of their heritage in Zahleh.

Shakira's parents share their heritage with Jean Baaklini. He, and the people of Zahleh, confirmed that he had served Shakira's relatives for 15 years before they died and that he had bought from them 75 percent of their properties in Zahleh. But Shakira's parents are accusing him of "stealing their property."

Ever since Jean Baaklini heard this accusation, he locked himself home, refusing to meet Shakira or anyone else. Jean's nephew, Elie Baaklini, explained: "When Shakira's family arrived to Zahleh Saturday noon, her father William, his wife and some relatives went to Zahleh's municipal building to uncover their properties' documents. I rushed to invite them home, but the accusations Shakira's father made surprised me. Although the officials at the municipality assured us that our papers were legal, he insisted that we had stolen his property."

Jean Baaklini, who was interviewed by Al-Hayat last Friday in Shakira's grandfather's house, was very happy at the prospect of meeting Shakira’s family, and he said at that time: "I have been waiting for this meeting for 40 years. I want to tell Shakira's family that I want to buy the rest of their property in Zahleh because I have been taking care of them for dozens of years and I do not want them to go to someone who will not take care of them."

Jean explained that this property, before he bought the largest part of it, included the old house of 450 m2 and a garden of 9,000 m2, in addition to a piece of land of 2,700 m2. According to Jean and the documents he showed, he owns 75 percent of this property. However, after the threats of Shakira's family, Jean Baaklini and his relatives in Zahleh were disappointed. His nephew Elie expressed his uncle's annoyance and said: "we expected them to be noble people, but they aren't. My uncle served Elias Ishak Mobarak, the only relative alive in Lebanon, for a long period as he spent money on him. Today, they are accusing us of robbery. Why? Before Shakira became famous, they never said they had relatives in Lebanon and did not send any financial aid."

Elie Baaklini added that his uncle was annoyed and sad, not only because of Shakira's family accusations, but because "when I told them that we want to offer the house without financial return to the international star provided it remains a memorial in Zahleh, they refused the idea and her father told us that they were not interested in Lebanon and they do not want to be related to it. All they want is to gather all the property and sell it."

Elie explained that his uncle Jean promised Shakira's father, "in case he will see him again in Zahleh, to slap him hard."

Shakira, who visited Zahleh secretly, was welcomed by the generous citizens with hospitality and love. But the legal dispute with Jean Baaklini left rumors that are following him wherever he goes. Elie said, "shortly after Shakira left town, many people visited us begging for a small share of the million dollar, which Shakira allegedly gave us."

Elie and his uncle Jean expect that Shakira's family will bring suit in the coming days "for they said that they will hire a lawyer that will take care of the issue. However, we have all the legal papers that assure that Shakira's parents have nothing more than the 50 m2 out of the total heritage."

Der Original- Artikel <--- Link

Taken from www.shakiraholics.com

Zum Inhalt:

Ein Angestellter, der jahrelange für William Mebaraks Eltern gearbeitet hatte, hatte nach deren Tod einen Grossteil des Grundstückes erworben, und hatte sich darauf gefreut, Shakis Familie zu treffen, damit er ihnen auch noch den Rest des Grundstückes abkaufen konnte, um das er sich seit 15 Jahren gekümmert hat.

Anscheinend will aber William nicht, dass es soweit kommt, und beschuldigt den jetzigen Eigentümer/ehemaligen Angestellten Jean Baaklini, ihr Eigentum gestohlen zu haben, obwohl sie selber sagen, dass sie mit dem Anwesen nichts anfangen können, sondern es KOMPLETT zurück haben wollen, um es anschliessend zu verkaufen (die Familie hatte nämlich kein Geld dafür gesehen, als Jean Baaklini 75% des Grundstückes legal gekauft hatte).

Das ist weniger toll. :egal:

Hat jemand 'ne Ahnung, warum ihre Familie so 'nen Aufstand wegen dem Grundstück macht, obwohl sie doch genügend Geld haben um sich locker die zehnfache Fläche zu kaufen?? :thinking:

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Das ist weniger toll. :egal:

Hat jemand 'ne Ahnung, warum ihre Familie so 'nen Aufstand wegen dem Grundstück macht, obwohl sie doch genügend Geld haben um sich locker die zehnfache Fläche zu kaufen??  :thinking:

Woher wissen wir denn, wieviel Geld ihre Familie hat?

Zum einen habe ich meine Zweifel an dieser Geschichte - es kommen keine unmittelbar betroffenen zu Wort sondern nur der Neffe des Herrn, der scheinbar betroffen ist. Weder der alte Mann noch Shaki's Vater werden im Zusammenhang mit der angeblichen Klage zitiert. Was soll man davon halten? Man kann zumindest seine Zweifel haben.

Zum anderen: Selbst wenn William Mebarak so handeln würde, wo wäre das Problem? Jean Baaklini scheint ja gültige Papiere zu haben, die seinen Anspruch belegen sollen. Dann kann ja nix schief gehen und William Mebarak hätte eben Pech gehabt.

Wenn er TATSÄCHLICH denkt, daß Jean Baaklini das Land widerrechtlich beansprucht, dann soll er klagen - es handelt sich immerhin nich um irgendein Grundstück sondern gehört wohl seit geraumer Zeit seiner Familie - ein Erbstück sozusagen. Auch wenn er also das Geld haben sollte, das zehnfache zu erwerben, ist doch ein gewisser qualitativer Unterschied vorhanden.

Ich für meinen Teil gehe aber davon aus, daß an dieser Geschichte nichts wahr ist - zumindest nicht der Klage-Teil.


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So sehe ich das auch. Entweder stimmt die Geschichte nicht, dann ist sowieso alles klar.Oder sie stimmt - dann sehe ich darin aber auch kein Problem. Warum sollte jemand auf sein seiner Meining nach rechtmäßiges Eigentum verzichten, nur weil er genug Geld hat, sich auch etwas anderes zu kaufen ?

Wenn es so ist wie beschrieben, hat einer der beiden unrecht, und das wird sich vor Gericht dann erweisen - es sei denn,sie vergleichen sich vorher.

Das ist doch alles ziemlich normal.

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wie auch immer jezz die wahre sachlage ist ich sehe auch kein problem darin wenn william das beansprucht was ja eigentlich ihm gehört. ich kenne die familie selbst ja nicht kllar aber ich denke sie sind sehr aufrichtig und wenn william sagt er habe nir geld gesehen, dann ist es nur verständlich, dass er auf sein eigentum beharrt das würde ich auch machen... selbst wenn ich ein fettes konto hätte!

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When Sawt El-Ghad found out that the Lebanese-originated Shakira was coming to Lebanon, Viny Roumy and Marie Joe Moukarzel headed to the Beirut International Airport yesterday to welcome her.

Shakira arrived at 7:30pm and we, being the only radio media present, broadcasted the news of her arrival live on air. Tight airport security, however, prevented any media from approaching the artist or taking any pictures.

The next day, a press conference was scheduled at 8:45am in the hotel where Shakira was staying in Down Town Beirut. After 4 hours, Shakira appeared posing for photographs and answering questions to the few reporters present.

In a question, Marie Joe asked Shakira concerning the nature of her visit, she answered that she has come to see her country of origin personally and that she wanted to get in touch with her roots. She did not comment anything concerning an agreement to appear at the Beit El-Din summer festivals.

In addition, we told Shakira that Sawt El-Ghad was the first radio in Lebanon to airplay her debut hit song "Ojos Asi" in 2000 and if she would like to say anything to our listeners. She enthusiastically replied with a big smile and a thank you to all the listeners who supported her, adding that she loved them all.

That was all for this encounter, yet stay tuned for future interviews and exclusives during Shakira's short visit in the country.

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Von mir auch: Thanks at Gato! :)

Ich bin mal gespannt wo Shakira sich jetzt nach Libanon aufhält und ob wir wieder ein Monat auf Fotos warten müssen oder ob wir jetzt wieder öfters Fotos bekommen. :D

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