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Shakira hat bereits auf ihrem Twitter davon gesprochen, jetzt fordert auch die offizielle Webseite Fans dazu auf sich bei Fanmanager/Team Shakira zu registrieren und auf verschieden Weise die Pormotion für She Wolf /Loba zu unterstützen:

Trust in DUST and the rest will follow



To help promote Shakira's new single, video and album on the Internet, we're pleased to announce the launch of DUST (it's short for Digital User Shakira Team, but please keep that to yourself). If you become a member of the DUST crew, you'll not only win the respect of your peers, you'll be given digital tools and tips to help spread the word about Shakira online. And the more work you put in, the more rewards you'll be given in return. We're not exactly sure what those rewards will be yet, but rest assured they will be Very Impressive Indeed.

Anyone can become a DUST member (although having access to a computer would sort of help). And we're looking for folks to join from across the globe to make up an international DUST network. In fact, we're even working on a special DUST handshake, so that you'll be able to greet your fellow DUSTars, wherever you go.

So, are you with us? If so, please click here and join the crew. We will then be in touch shortly with your first mission.

Trust DUST. And the rest will follow.

Colonel Polvareda

ps - This message will self-destruct in ten seconds (on the other hand, it probably won't).

Als "Belohnung" verspricht die Webseite verschiedene (bislang nicht näher benannte) Merchandising-Artikel (T-Shirt ist aber wohl sicher, da sie bei der Anmeldung nach der Shirt-Größe fragen) und ggf. sogar Konzert-Freikarten (was für ein Einsatz dafür wohl erforderlich ist....)

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