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[Serie] Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen


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Angel 1x19 "Sanctuary":

Buffy comes out on the roof to see Faith standing there. We can hear a helicopter flying in the background.

Buffy: "You're not gonna run, Faith."

Faith: "What do you wanna do? You're gonna throw me off the roof -again?"

Buffy: "Any reason why I shouldn't?"

Faith turns to look at Buffy: "There is nothing I can do for you, B. I can't ever make it right."

Buffy: "So you're just going to take off again. Leave us to clean up yet another one of your messes."

Faith: "It would make things easier for you."

Buffy: "Till you got bored with the whole guilt thing - decided to come back to shake things up?"

Faith: "That's not gonna happen."

Buffy: "You're right. It's not."

Faith: "Angel said there was no way you were gonna give me a chance."

Buffy: "I gave you every chance! I tried so hard to help you, and you spat on me. My life was just something for you to play with. Angel - Riley - anything that you could take from me - you took. I've lost battles before - but nobody else has -ever- made me a victim."

Faith: "And you can't stand that. You're all about control. You have no idea what it's like on the other side! Where nothing's in control, nothing makes sense! There is just pain and hate and nothing you do means anything. You can't even.."

Buffy: "Shut up!"

Faith: "Just tell me how to make it better."

The door to the roof bursts open and Collins steps through, machinegun in hand. Buffy tackles Faith to safety as Collins opens fire.

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Angel 1x19 "Sanctuary":

Angel looks over and sees Faith sitting at another desk with her back to them.

Angel: "Buffy."

Everyone in their group turns to look. A cop tries to pull Angel away and Buffy pushes his arm away. Faith looks over her shoulder at them and slowly stands up as Kate walks over to her.

Faith: "I'd like to make a confession."

Angel 2x01 "Judgement":

Angel picks up the phone at a prison visitor booth.

Angel: "Hey."

Faith: "Hey."

Angel: "How you doing?"

Faith: "Pretty good, I guess. I did sign up for this."

Angel: "Regretting the choice?"

Faith: "Bad day. One of the girls in the yard tried to build a rep by throwing down with me. She had low self esteem, and a home-made knife, so.."

Angel: "Oh. - Is she - you know - alive?"

Faith: "She lives to tell the tale. Took the knife away - and I can't say much for the wrist it came in."

Angel: "So you didn't kill her."

Faith: "I really wanted to. - Took a big beating from the guards, too."

Angel: "Sorry."

Faith: "Earned worse. Guys like us kind of got it coming."

Angel: "I had to sing Barry Manilow."

Faith: "You're kidding."

Angel: "In front of people."

Faith trying not to laugh: "And here I am talking about my petty little problems."

Angel: "Just wanted to give you a little perspective."

Faith: "Copa cabana?"

Angel: "Mandy. I don't wanna dwell on it."

Faith: "The road to redemption is a rocky path."

Angel: "That it is."

Faith: "You think we might make it?"

Angel: "We might. - - Food getting any better?"

Faith: "You know, it's not that different from what I grew up on. It's a little one note. Eating the same thing every day."

Angel: "I wonder what that's like."

Faith: "Right.."

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Komme grad von einem Wedding zurueck..

Ich kann hier keine Zitate liefern, da ich bloss 4 oder 5 Folgen gesehen habe.

Also Dank an Empress, sie hat ja ein paar geniale rausgepickt! :D

---Angel: "I had to sing Barry Manilow." :lmao:

A propos Angel: im neuen Dido-Video kommt der vor! Jaja.

Hm... was soll ich sagen?

Faith ist mit Abstand die coolste der Bande!!!

Aeh.,..hab ich das schon gesagt? ;)

Muss mir wohl auch mal <<Wrong Turn>> reinziehen.

A propos Wedding...

Die Star-TV-Reportage (ueber <<American Wedding>>), welche *La*Poeta* erwaehnte,

hab ich jetzt (bei Star TV, duh) teilweise gesehen. Biggs und Hannigan waren ja super

drauf, man sieht auch das Kinopublikum und wie einige nach vorne laufen, um Autogramme

zu ergattern....

Ich kann ja Zitate aus <<Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back>> bringen, bis Empress wieder

ein paar coole Buffy-Quotes ausgraebt. -g-


Sissy: Y'know, I don't get you, Justice. You used to be into all this girl stuff.

Stealing, boning, blowing shit up, and now you're like this little priss with a

conscience. It's really a fucking drag.

[ok, ist ja kein grosser Unterschied zu Faith] :)

Dann doch lieber Faith:

Faith: (zu Dawn?) "Solltest Du nicht unten bei Hogwarts sein?"


Faith: Hoermal, wenn es Dir neulich so vorkam, als wollte ich Dich abservieren,

das ist schade. Ich wollte Dich nur ... naja... abservieren.


A propos Wedding.... ich will Eliza Patricia Dushku heiraten :D :D

(Keeping the Faith!)

Wie ist eigentlich Kennedy gestorben?

{Haha, nicht das jetzt einer kommt mit "1963 in Dallas abgeknallt!"}


//edit: nervig, wenn die Farbenwahl nach einem Board-Hintergrundwechsel nicht mehr passt :)

Edited by Alfredo

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Von der letzten Staffel hab ich kaum was mitbekommen...hab nur 4 Folgen davon gesehen.

Aber das macht nix...bald kommt ja Season7 wohl auch auf DVD! Dann kann ich mir alle Folgen der 7. Staffel von "Lessons" bis "Chosen" nochmal anschauen...ohne nervige Werbung...und in englischer Sprache! :) Ich finde nämlich "Buffy" kommt nur im englischen Original gut rüber! :kicher:

Die DVDs der Staffeln 1-6 hab ich bereits...11 Boxen mit je drei DVDs! War net ganz billig...aber für meine Lieblingsserie war ich bereit ziemlich viel Geld auszugeben! :D

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Buffy 7x18 "Dirty Girls":

Faith walks into the basement and sits down on the stairs. The sounds of girls chattering can be heard through the basement door she left open. Faith sighs, takes out a cigarette, and lights up.

Spike (sitting on his cot with his shirt off): "You craving a moment alone in the dank, or can I bum one?"

Faith (smiles, stands): "Well, I guess you can smoke all you want—the big C not really an issue." (hands her cigarette to Spike)

Spike: "Teeth get yellow after an eternity. Gotta watch that."

Faith(takes out another cigarette for herself) :"Huh." (looks at the chains and shackles on the wall behind Spike's cot)

Spike(looks over at the chains): "Right. Not what it looks like."

Faith: "Hey, to each his own, man. This one guy I ran with, he liked me to dress up like a school girl and take this friggin' bull-whip, (gestures like she's using a whip) and I'd be like—"

Spike: "I got dangerous...for a while."

Faith: "This before the soul, or after?"

Spike: "After, but I got over it—in case you're feeling all dust-happy again after your long incarceration."

Faith (smiles) :"Not if you're all repenty. Takes the fun out of it. (the girls upstairs are making noise) No more Starbucks for the wannabe's man. They've been spazzing for, like, hours."

Spike: "Yeah, does get a bit much up there."

Faith: "They're good girls. Just green is all."

Spike: "So, why aren't you up there...imparting?"

Faith: "That's Buffy's thing. Anyway, I just spent a good stretch of time locked away with a mess of female-types. Kinda had my fill."

Spike: "Hm. But you waited until Angel needed your help to bust out of jail."

Faith: "Three squares, nice weight room, movie every third Sunday. Could've been worse."

Spike: "What movie?"

Faith: "Last one was Glitter. (Spike raises an eyebrow at her) I guess it couldn't have been worse."

Spike: "You had the power to walk away anytime. Nothing to stop you."

Faith: "I stopped me. I got dangerous for a while." (takes off her jacket)

Spike: "You over it?"

Faith (stretches her arms): "More or less. I pull for the good guys now."

Spike: "What's the less?"

Faith (grins coyly): "The usual stuff..."

Spike: "Such as?"

Faith (grins): "I was thinking about looking up the guy with the bull-whip. Long incarceration."

Spike (chuckles): "You could do better. School girl thing's old hat."

Faith: "It's all old-hat, man. (shrugs) Every guy's got some whack fantasy. Scratch the surface of any granola-type dude—naughty nurses and horny cheerleaders. (shrugs) I figure, if you can't beat 'em—"

Spike: "Join 'em."

Faith: "Just don't forget who's on top."

Spike: "That, I suspect, would be you."

Faith (grins) :"You got that right. (walks over to Spike's cot, sits beside him) I've met you before, you know."

Spike: "Yeah, you made a great impression on my chin."

Faith: "Not in the graveyard. Before that. I was kinda wearing a different body."

Spike: "Pity."

Faith: "You seemed OK with it."

Spike: "The body swap. (nods) With Buffy."

Faith: "She fill you in on that whole deal?"

Spike: "She told me it went down. Failed to mention who was driving her skin around."

Faith: "I may have said a few things..."

Spike (looks into Faith's eyes): "Like you could ride me at a gallop 'til my knees buckle, squeeze me 'til I pop like warm champagne. That's not the kind of thing a man forgets."

Faith: "Should've known it wasn't blondie behind the wheel. She'd never throw down like that."

Spike: "Oh, you have been away." (Spike chuckles)

Faith: "Don't even tell me little Miss Tightly-Wound's been getting her naughty on?"

Spike: "Not of late."

Faith: "Wow. Everybody's just full of surprises. (Buffy walks down the steps into the basement, stares at Spike and Faith) Hey, B."

Buffy (crosses her arms): "Well, it's nice to see you two getting along so well."

Faith: "Yeah. Uh, you just know all the cool vampires." (sits forward)

Buffy: "Yeah."

Spike: "Hey, aren't you usually at work 'bout now?"

Buffy: "I kind of decided to cut back on my hours."

Dawn (O.S.): "Buffy? Is that you?"

Buffy (yells back to Dawn) "Down here. (to Spike) Figured I'd be better off focusing on what's going on around here."

Dawn (standing at the top of the stairs): "Buffy, Willow just called from the hospital. The girl's awake."

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Ratet mal wer sich heute S3 auf DVD geholt hat!? Ja, genau...ICH! :D


Rat mal, wer die S2 und S3 schon auf DVD hat!! :baeh: :baeh:
Ich habe S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 und S6 auf DVD! :baeh: :baeh: :baeh:

Jetzt fehlt nur noch S7! Ich hoffe die kommt auch bald! :)

Siehe auch "Meine DVD-Sammlung" (Sig)

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hey martin, deine dvd sammlung ist ist ja endlos. betreibst du eine videothek? :D

Tja, in 'nem Zeitraum von 5 Jahren kommt schon so einiges zusammes! :D

Die Buffy-DVDs sind allerdings meine wertvollsten DVDs. Die hüte ich wie einen Schatz! :D



Bei Weltbild gibt es zur Zeit die Buffy DVDs der S1-S4 für je 29,99 € je Box!

*klick Weltbild*

Edited by Sk8er Boi

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Ratet mal wer sich heute S3 auf DVD geholt hat!? Ja, genau...ICH! :D


Rat mal, wer die S2 und S3 schon auf DVD hat!! :baeh: :baeh:
Ich habe S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 und S6 auf DVD! :baeh: :baeh: :baeh:

Jetzt fehlt nur noch S7! Ich hoffe die kommt auch bald! :)

Siehe auch "Meine DVD-Sammlung" (Sig)

Und wie sieht's mit dem Angel DVDs aus? :D

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helena, schau dir mal dieses forum an. http://www.areadvd.de/ubb/Forum17/HTML/004050.html

ist auch sonst ganz gut, wenn man irgendwas über dvd´s wissen will.

Jepp! AREA DVD ist eine der besten DVD Seiten die es gibt! :super:

Auch zu empfehlen sind


DVD Inside

Hier gibt's noch Reviews zu ein paar Buffy DVD's: :)

Buffy Season 1: http://www.digital-movie.de/dvd-reviews/review.asp?ArtNr=913

Buffy Season 2: http://www.areadvd.de/dvdreviews/buffy2.shtml


Buffy Season 6: http://www.digital-movie.de/dvd-reviews/re....asp?ArtNr=2832

Buffy - One More With Feeling: http://www.digital-movie.de/dvd-reviews/re....asp?ArtNr=2443

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