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Glasgow (Schottland), 19.12.2010


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"Thank you for making it happen," cooed the Colombian pop siren Shakira to her fans; "it" being her first tour date in Scotland. Presumably they didn't have as much to do with it as the event staff, her road crew and the car company whose sponsored branding adorned the articulated lorry-come-billboard parked out front, but the few thousand who had turned up deserved credit on such an awful night.(...)Such conditions probably contributed to the venue being under capacity, but Shakira ploughed on through the evening with breezy confidence.(...)genuinely surprising more than once (...)many of her show's finest moments would have been unknown to a British audience.(...)far more satisfying were an acoustic mariachi band interlude featuring a Spanish version of Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters", the creditably weird "Gordita" (...) and the pounding electro disco of "Las de la Intuicion". Soullessness is an occupational hazard with such arena spectaculars, but this one fought harder than most to bring a bit of sunshine and real personality back to the experience.

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